Not Dead Morgan Freeman's News and Notes 9.10.12

This installment of News and Notes is dedicated to Undead Morgan Freeman. Saturday morning I was shocked when I woke to find Morgan Freeman had died (again) according to my phone.  However, by Sunday afternoon, I was certain that the immortal narrator had once again evaded Death's cold embrace. Seriously though, why do the internet hoaxsters keep trying to kill this man off?  Is this the second or third time that Mr. Freeman's demise has been greatly exaggerated?  In any case, we can determine one of two things from this latest experience.  1)  Either Morgan Freeman is an undying being of vampiric or zombie origin or  2)  some internet troll has it out bad for Andy Dufresne's best friend.

We're already a third of the way in to September.  That can't be right.  Regardless, it's time to take a look at what's happening this week in WSF Land.  Computer decision agony continues.  If you know me, you'll know that I can stew over which burger to order for fifteen minutes, so when it comes to buying a computer, you can be assured that I'm going to weigh every shred of information and change my mind on the matter no less than thirty times.  New desktop? New laptop?  Used Desktop?  Or some combination of both?  The good news is, I did advance in my process and a purchase will be made early this week.  And that means...

The Space Cops Ep. 4 edit begins no later than next week!

Allen is in full Community Theater mode right now as rehearsals have begun for Jerry Peavler and the Great Debate.  If you've never caught one of the Hollerwood series of plays written by Liz Orndorff, I highly suggest you familiarize yourself this time around.  Funny stuff and incredible actors, one of whom is my best friend and a Walk Softly founding member.  Wait 'til you see Allen and Karen Logue working off each other.  They amaze me.  You can find what you need at

Creativity has been flying around the WSF compound since I had a chance to talk to Allen and Todd over Labor Day weekend.  I've been jotting down all kinds of notes that resulted from those conversations and I am itching to make them happen in front of a camera.  Several are Space Cops related, more involve a new web series, short film ideas...  One idea Todd had is simple, genius and such a no brainer it just has to happen.  So much we want to do, so little time.

Will we have the new VHessay done this week?  ...Maybe.  I'm sure most of you won't complain if I'm making the Space Cops edit a priority right now.  However, you can at least bank on another indie filmmaker salute on Indie Wednesday.  Anybody come up with a better name?  And with each passing day, my impulse to redesign the blog/website intensifies.

Are you following the Walk Softly Films Twitter account yet?  The 500th follow gets a Cannonball DVD and pages from the actual shooting script.  I might change that to every hundredth follower. Thoughts? And remember, we want your thoughts and questions on any topic.  Feel free to say hello in the comments section of any post or send us a message.