Indie Wednesday: Live Prude Girls

I don't want to make Indie Wednesday a boys' club, so this is a perfect time to introduce the Live Prude Girls, Milana Vayntrub and Stevie Nelson. Plus, Flula makes a guest appearance in this particular video, so it's also a fine follow up to last week. Stevie and Milana have a unique sense of humor that I dig and they don't try too hard. Stevie is actually the daughter of Stevie Nicks and Willie Nelson and if she asks you who told you that, keep your mouth shut. Fair warning: don't develop a crush on them. Don't do it. They have lots of videos and if you like dry wit and awkward humor, you need to check out their Let's Talk About Something More Interesting web series, because they are masters of it.

If you're here for the first time, check out some of our videos. Space Cops is the greatest 80's sci-fi show you never saw and our shorts won trophies and stuff.