Hey, it's my birthday! Chew on that one. But it isn't the big one. I don't have to jump off a cliff until next year. Let's talk about WSF things, shall we?
I know you've been anxiously awaiting a new episode of the Talk Hard Podcast and it's probably coming this week. Bear with us; it's been a very tough couple of weeks for the WSF family but I expect us to be back in our regular routine forthwith.
The good news is, there's plenty to catch up on! Todd has been slaving away on a short film edit (check out the retro still frame above) and attempting to get it submitted to our very favorite film festival in the far Western reaches of the Bluegrass State. We'll tell you if he pulled it off and how that process is going to go from here. Plus, while he's been doing that, all things Space Cops have been happening in Frankfort. You heard me. Not to mention Hollywood has been screwing the proverbial pooch this summer and you KNOW we want to talk about that too. So, get ready for it. We'll get you up to speed on all of that and more when Talk Hard comes back with a vengeance.