Pizza By The Pound is pizza king in Paducah. Only sad that it took four years to find it. |
Happy belated Veteran's Day, everyone and a huge thank you to all the Veterans. We're running a couple days behind on the blog, so you'll get News and Notes today and the Agents of SHIELD breakdown tomorrow. Anyway...
Around here, we're still recovering from a great weekend and far too much food consumption at the Rivers Edge Film Fest. If you didn't keep up with it, we kept a running diary on Friday and Saturday that you can check out now. Pizza By the Pound got us started on an epic food journey Thursday night and it never slowed down from there.
In fact, the food even followed us home because Cory Greene gave us each a legendary Fillymingo from Flamingo Row before we left town. The Fillymingo looks like a giant roll but is actually bread stuffed with meat, cheese and other goodness. All I can say is I'm already putting in my bid for a trip to Flamingo Row next year. There are several more varieties of Fillymingo that I need to sample.
Paducah Odds and Ends
One of the cooler things we got to do on the trip was explore the abandoned Columbia Theater in Lower Town Paducah. We've walked past that theater for four years, peered through the windows and talked about how great it would be to get a peek inside. This year we actually got to do it and it exceeded our hopes. The theater has been empty and untouched since the 1980s and is everything you'd imagine a grand old theater to be.
As cool as the Columbia looks on the outside, it's twice as neat on the inside. Unfortunately we aren't allowed to post any pictures. All I can say is, if the Paducah townsfolk get the go ahead on their restoration plans, this 1927 built beauty will be one of the coolest theaters in this part of the country. Needless to say, we're really hoping that happens.
I briefly mentioned in our Running Diary that we stole a chance to see Thor: The Dark World on Saturday afternoon. I'll be going into detail about the movie. For now, I'll say that the sequel got three thumbs up from the WSF boys. The theater was packed and the Marvel movie machine is obviously still cranking along at full steam. In the next few days, I'll revise my rankings of the Marvel films, give a little review, and point the comic Geek Scope at Thor.
See you back here for Indie Wednesday later today and Geek Scope tomorrow.
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How about a picture of the Columbia without my big noggin in it? |