Geek Scope uses 25 years of otherwise useless Marvel comics continuity to look for tidbits in TV and movies that the average non-geek might miss.
Nothing to see here in the way of hidden nuggets of info. Tobias Ford was an original creation, but I would say be on the lookout for him to return at some point.
- Roxxon Oil makes an appearance as the gas station at the beginning of the episode. Roxxon has been the go-to representation of big industry greed and evil in Marvel comics for decades. They're always up to something and generally effing things up whether intentionally or on accident. Their logo appears in the background of almost every Marvel movie and you'll continue to see it.
- The alien world that was accidentally accessed by the particle accelerator had no discernible features that I could see. Tobias thought it was Hell (and I was slightly resentful about the oh-you-stupid-Christians element of the story) and while there are a couple of different realms called or thought of as "Hell" in the Marvel U, I seriously doubt they would ever go in that direction. A shame, because that would be much more interesting than the everything-and-everyone is an alien from outer space angle that they currently have going.

One thought...
Marvel needs to be careful with how far they push their notion that everything can be explained and grounded in their cinematic universe. (I went on to rant for five paragraphs about this and decided it needs to have its own post or video. So that is going to happen.) See you here in two weeks for the next Agents of SHIELD.