News and Notes 6.3.13

Back to the daily grind.

Vacation is over but that's good new for ye olde indie-film/nonsense blog. First of all, I have some nice videos lined up for the next couple of Indie Wednesdays; inspirational stuff that might make you want to pick up the camera.

Have you been keeping up with the Vine Movie project? Vine still isn't cooperating by letting us embed the debut of Tiebeereus. If those pieces ever become available, we'll get caught up to speed here. If you don't want to wait, just hop on over to the Vine app and search for Walk Softly Films.

One small bit of (pre)production news this week. While I was roasting to a beautiful beet red in South Carolina last week, I had a bit of new inspiration on an old project the guys and I kicked around a couple years ago. I'm planning on running the idea past them and either starting on a short or feature script. ...So many ideas, so little time.

See you back here on Wednesday.