1) Superman
This movie captivated me as a kid, got me hooked on superheroes early, and it still holds up for me today. There has never been better casting for me than Reeve as Superman/Clark Kent and Kidder as Lois Lane. The music is the most recognizable of any hero movie ever. If it wasn't for Lois' weird soliloquy in the middle of the movie, this one would be just about perfect. It takes me back to 8-year-old me every time I see it, and I love it as much today as I did 25 years ago.
2) The Dark Knight
I watched the Dark Knight trilogy all in the same day not long ago and came to this realization: I didn't like Christian Bale as Batman. Which is why this one can't be #1. But, the fact that it's second speaks volumes to what I thought of Heath Ledger as The Joker. My favorite villain in a movie ever.
3) The Avengers
I know what Scott said about this movie, and I agree with just about everything he said (especially in regards to the Chitauri), but I've got a slightly different take. This movie gave me so many unbelievable moments that I'm pretty sure I involuntarily squealed a couple times and may have peed a little. Thor vs. Iron Man! Whuuuut? Thor vs. The Hulk! Goodness!! The fight scenes were all epic. And while the Chitauri was stupid (just make them the Skrulls!!!), Tom Hiddleston's Loki was pretty stinking good.
4) X2
I'm a huge Wolverine honk, and this movie portrays him the best of any film out there. It is also the best of the series. X2 doesn't fumble around, stepping on its own toes while trying to give every character their big moment. There is never a dull moment, never a moment that is too light, and never a point where it loses you, even for a second. I could make the case for any of these first four films to be in the top spot.
5) Iron Man
If Christopher Reeve is the #1 casting pick for a superhero movie, Robert Downey Jr. is #1A. He IS Tony Stark. And unlike a lot of movies that involve an origin (i.e. Spider-Man), this one has the right depth without being boring. Also... Robert Downey Jr. It would be difficult for me to find an actor I like less then Terrence Howard. So, that may have affected my rating more than it should have. But, ya know, Robert Downey Jr...
6) Dredd
Scott made the point in his list about how he thinks audience perception of The Incredible Hulk may have taken an unfair hit because of the terrible Hulk movie that preceded it. That definitely holds true for Dredd. The farce that was Stallone's Judge Dredd unfortunately will be linked to this one and it's a shame. Simple, solid story. Great villain. Great portrayal of Dredd by Kyle Urban. Beautifully shot. Not much to dislike about this one.
7) Hellboy 2
This is the third sequel on the list where the original didn't even make it. It seems like sometimes, they just need that first shot to get it all right for a second installment. Go ahead and add Ron Perlman to that list of perfectly cast characters for his efforts as Hellboy. This movie may be the most fun to watch on the list. But weirder than a room full of carneys in some parts...
8) Amazing Spider-Man
Andrew Garfield is better at being Peter Parker than Tobey McGuire. He just is. The Lizard's face almost kept this one off the list, though. There were also some creative and directorial decisions that I really didn't like, but this movie reboot of the franchise is better than the original three and it isn't close.
9) X-Men: First Class
I had low expectations for this movie going in. I ended up seeing it three times in the theater. James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender are terrific, and of course, there's Jennifer Lawrence. But some of the other characters were kinda stinky. Especially Kevin Bacon as the villain. Never believed it for a second. Hence a low spot on the list.
10) Spider-Man 2
I basically put this one on the list because I couldn't leave it at 9. It's the best of the Sam Raimi installments. I actually caught a little of it on TV the other day and I will say that the fight scene between Spidey and Doc Ock on and around the speeding train is a heckuva lot of fun. There are a lot of cool, innovative ways the two used their powers in a smooth-but-fast-paced 10 minutes, and it's why I put it on here.