oscar news and notes 2.25.13

Another Oscar night has come and gone. And, to no one's surprise, Kentucky decided to show up and dominate. Hollywood's darling and Louisville native, Jennifer Lawrence, walked away with Best Actress while George Clooney got a statuette for Best Picture, as a producer on Argo. Not bad. Not bad at all. I fully expect this to be the beginning of the Bluegrass Dynasty in Hollywood. Everybody else, you can take your things and go home.

Seriously though, if I've got Clooney, Depp, and Lawrence... who you got? Can any other State match that trio of natives right now? Let us know in the comments section.

Tweet It Up

We decided to live-tweet the proceedings with little to no advanced warning. Like most of you, we got to turn up our nose at Seth McFarlane's never-ending monologue and to be thoroughly frightened by Kristin Chenoweth's red-carpet interviews. Here's a taste if you missed it. (And you can see the rest on our Twitter feed.)

Speaking of Twitter, we want to send out a big thank you to all the Twitter peoples that have pushed us over 2,000 followers. We're really hoping the momentum pays off and we can get Space Cops 4 in front of as many eyes as possible.

Dino Rivera

This guy looks friendlier than the one we ran into.
Michael Startzman is a good friend and participant in WSF shenanigans. Saturday, he wrote up a nice blog piece that included a shoutout for Cannonball. And it featured this digital painting of none other than Bigsquatch. He hits on two key points in his post: 1) Bigfoot Country is an absolutely painful movie to watch.  2) If you've seen it, you can still cleanse your mental palate by watching Cannonball free on Vimeo! Michael is a very talented artist who is currently featured in Red Bull's Collective Art project that exhibits his work all over the world. Be sure to make MichaelStartzman.com a regular stop in your internet travels.

It's late and I'm hitting the sheets, but we do have good stuff planned for you this week. So check back in and everybody have a great Monday.