October 1st. Seriously? Even though the days go by too fast, there is plenty of good news to be had. First of all, I love this time of year. Autumn days are the best and I defy you say otherwise. It also means we're only one month away from the Rivers Edge International Film Fest and our trek to Paducah. Our excitement grows on the daily.
As you can see above, the Space Cops 4 edit is underway. Now you have visual proof. Todd and Allen are making their way to Frankfort tonight for a full-on WSF compound edit session and I'm looking forward to it. We'll keep you updated on how its going via the Twitter Machine (@walksoftlyfilms). It was an extremely busy weekend, but I actually got in a couple hours of footage capture Sunday morning before Church which means the new mobile editing device is already paying off. And best of all, we get to edit in the friendly confines of my house tonight. Hoo. Ray!
There are lots of things that need to be done. I have some housekeeping planned for our Twitter and YouTube and Vimeo accounts and some fun promo stuff leading up to the Space Cops release. And I'm sure I'm forgetting something because this installment of News and Notes is a tad rushed. We've got a lot going on!
Are you looking for some weekend plans? We can hook you up. One of our brilliant little collaborators, Grace Sheene, is playing the title role in Annie at Ragged Edge Theater in Harrodsburg, KY this weekend! Friday and Saturday at 8pm and Sunday at 3pm. There are tickets to be had, but I wouldn't delay in grabbing some.
Hey, have you taken advantage of our feature, Cannonball, online in its entirety yet? If you've seen it, have you forwarded the link to all your pals? I'll say it again: it's free, but we'll happily accept tips with the tip jar button or donations right here with that giant orange button. We'll see you with more stuff later this week and keep your eyes on Twitter tonight.