indie wednesday: Derek Waters

Today we salute Derek Waters and his ingenious brainchild, Drunk History. Derek is the posterboy for the type of success story we love around here. After getting the normal runaround in Hollywood auditions, Waters decided to write his own material. He put together the first episode with friends he'd met like Michael Cera and Jake Johnson. Now, after millions of views, he is developing Drunk History for Comedy Central. So, he may not be indie anymore, but it's a beautiful dream for the rest of us. So congratulations, Derek! (And if Comedy Central ever wants to pick up Space Cops, we'll work for sandwiches.)

The most impressive aspect of the series is the timing. Every episode is a clinic in comedic delivery and editing. And the decision to have the actors mimic the narrator... Well, it all seems like a stroke of genious to me.

In this particular episode, you'll see JD Ryznar again. You met JD in a previous Indie Wednesday. Well, now we find out what happens when JD drinks way too much (at the request of Waters) and talks about history. Be aware, if you're at work or if the kids are around, language can get a little coarse when someone's had one (or seven) too many. Volume 6 is actually my favorite of the series, but since it has more language and a massive increase in upchuck, I'll let you find that on your own. There are so many laughs throughout and no duds, so look for the rest here if you'd like.