indie wednesday: JD Ryznar

I don't know what it is about West Coast slackers that resonates with me, but I'd love to hang out with JD Ryznar. Today, we salute JD with a little video that gives you a taste of his personality. His humor is laid back and offbeat and I'm thoroughly entertained by just about anything he does. This is actually one of his lesser known videos. Ryznar has actually carved out some significant internet fame.

I first found JD when I stumbled on to his Channel 101 show, Yacht Rock. Yacht Rock is probably my favorite web series, but be warned, the language can get a little salty (as you would expect when examining the history of smooth rock n' roll).  Episodes 4, 5, 10, and 11 are some of my favorites but I recommend them all. It's a genius concept and I was hooked the first time I saw it. Plus, Michael McDonald got several iTunes downloads out of me as a result. So, everybody's a winner.

Oh, and I once played Draw Something with the guy and he drew an obscene depiction of Abe Lincoln for "penny". Therefore, JD Ryznar will always be okay in my book.